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Can stm32F417 be use with TouchGFX? I want to add 3.5" TFTLCD 480x320 (actually is an Arduino Shield) to my ethernet projects wich is based on stm32f417. I can't find any thing about this MCU, the examples with other MCU.

Associate III

Pretend it is an F407 without CRYPT/HASH

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Associate III

Thank you for the quick reply, unfortunately on the stm32F4 family product page I can see this:

STM32F407/417 – 168 MHz CPU/210 DMIPS, up to 1 Mbyte of Flash memory adding Ethernet MAC and camera interface

and seems that it doesn't have LCD TFT interface.

And also in TouchGFX on the templates I can't choose any of 417 or 407.

I'm I missing something here?

Can I add custom boards in TouchGFX?

The chip isn't designed to directly drive TFT displays, but can accommodate display controllers on the F(S)MC external bus. The F(S)MC could also support external memory for a frame buffer, but that would make for a very busy bus, and perhaps lack the bandwidth for a display.

Not familiar with the specific shield, but would assume it probably interfaces a display controller with integrated frame buffer.

I'd imagine custom displays could be supported, but would take work to develop drivers and integrate.

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Associate III

Thank you, i think FMC port is the solution for me, I watch some webinars about TouchGFX and now I see think better. I'll dive into FMC documentation. The display that I have is very popular and works with an ILI9486 interface which is pretty common and supported. After I manage to configure and make it work I'll post my experience here.