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Bitmap::dynamicBitmapCreate() fails to allocate (JPEG decoding)

Associate III


I'm trying to load jpeg files in TouchGFX by using the JPEG Loader Library. I have downloaded that from the Git using the link given in TouchGFX Forum. I have added the Library in my project and tried to load a jpeg image. The image was not loaded, the image is placed in the working folder alone. I have set the break point and checked if the file is opened successfully or not. The file was opened successfully but i didn't the image in simulator output . Suggest me a solution for this issue.


Hi Martin,

Getting Error no as 88 (Function not Implemented).0690X000006DZRHQA4.png

Associate II

How can I add a library to my project? I am completely in the novice stage

If you mean LibJPEG you can download the JPEGTest application in this thread and check out how.


Thank you reply! I put LibJPEG in my project root directory and added LibJPEG \include to the Include directory. I tried #include "jinclude.h", but the output could not open the include file: 'assert.h': no such file or directory. Cannot open include file: 'stdio.h' in jinclude.h