2021-06-01 6:08 AM
I made a project in touchGFX designer 4.16.1 and imported it to STM32cubeIDE , for board stm32F769I disco. there I ran debug and it ran OK yesterday. today morning when I tried to run again it fails in call to prvPortStartFirstTask and enters HardFault_Handler.
I don't know why. can you help ?
2021-06-01 6:25 AM
Did you start this project from scratch or from the application template for the STM32F769I-DK board ? Could you try to do a full chip erase and/or unplug the board (we never know) ? What is that prvPortStartFirstTask ?
2021-06-01 6:38 AM
hello. I started from scratch and added some icons . I chose the evaluation board I use but not a specific demo.
I debuged into the code and I see that I fail to this exception in first call to tick()
2021-06-01 6:39 AM
I tried to disconnect and connect the board , but it didn't help.
2021-06-02 12:54 AM
Are you using the STM32F769I-DK or eval board ? What are the revisions of the display and the board ?
2021-06-02 1:01 AM
I'm using STM32F769I - DISCO evaluation board. I tried now a new demo project and it works OK. maybe I have to clean the project and create a new one.