2019-03-05 2:34 PM
Has anyone got the Adafruit 1.8" Color TFT Shield to work with a Nucleo H743?
I have tried the demonstration program from the STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.0 package that supports this board, but nothing is displayed.
I have verified that SPI data is being sent to the LCD.
2019-03-06 12:49 PM
I connected the backlight enable to ground to get the backlight to go on.
I also reduced the SPI clock rate, but the display still remains blank.
2019-03-06 12:58 PM
>>Has anyone got the Adafruit 1.8" Color TFT Shield to work with a Nucleo H743?
Your constituency there is probably approaching zero. One might hope ST has one, and tested the code.
The frequency of the SPI data and the Chip Select look viable?
I don't have the shield in question. My preference these days is for the I2C OLED displays, typically the 128x64 or 128x32 ones. Or to use the DISCO boards with displays.
2019-03-06 2:41 PM
The idea was to make a quick prototype, stack the display on the nucleo and use the demonstration code provided by ST.
The SPI data and CS does look reasonable.
I have now tried a Nucleo F411 board with the display, also without success.
2019-03-08 8:07 AM
After trying many things with software, I discovered that the shield SPI pins are not connected to the display or anything else except some undocumented 6-pin connector pads!
I don't see how anyone can use this board without knowing that they need to add wires.
And the backlight is apparently controlled by a microcontroller on the display board, the ST example software does not doanything to enable the backlight.
2019-03-08 9:18 AM
Yes, I think you're talking about V2 of the shield with the Arduino 6-pin ISP/SPI connector
I'd be willing to bet the code is for V1
2019-03-08 9:47 AM
That would explain the issues.
The code references ADAFRUIT_TFT_JOY_SD_ID802, implying Adafruit product ID 802, but that product is no longer compatible with Nucleo boards. After adding the SPI wires (and backlight work-around), it looks like a nice little color display. (I imagine the microSD function works too, but I haven't tried that).
Thanks for your comments.