2016-08-09 2:33 PM
I downloadedX-Cube-Crypto Library from the email and i have the zip. Issue is that i cant seem to find anything that would install it into the CubeMX software. I can browse the zip and see the files and examples included but when i try to install new libraries on CubeMX from local it says ''This Package version is not managed on this version of STM32CubeMX''.
My version is 4.0 for CubeMX. Is there a way to install this lib so that CubeMX is able to create the necessary C source files when project is generated? Question 2 is about the fact that System Workbench is missing from the examples, and support for the F7 series. Is there a plan to add that anytime soon? Thanks Andriy #!stm32-!cubemx-!stm32-stm32f7 Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2018-05-10 4:15 AM
My question above on '
VFP issueusing SW4STM32 for my STM32L432KC'
was for you and not for Tom.Best regards,
2018-07-12 5:23 AM
I had the same problem with TrueStudio (also based on Eclipse). To work around that I opened an example project for TrueStudio and I then looked at the Properties. I found out that if you want to use the software version of the library you need to set in C/C++ Build - Settings :
- Floating point '' Hardware implementation '' in Assembler
- Floating point '' Software implementation '' in C Compiler - Target and C Linker - Target.
And for the FPU settings I used '' FPv5-SP-D16 ''.
Here is a screen of the windows where you need to go to find those settings. I hope this will help other people.
2018-11-26 6:52 AM
Hi, the https://community.st.com/docs/DOC-1557-one-way-to-use-the-x-cube-cryptolib-with-cubemx-and-system-workbench link seems to not work anymore. Is there another way to get this document ?
2018-11-26 7:07 AM
This is @Elkin Granados document as it appears on the new iteration of the forum
@brk lot of dead links and broken content still. Search here is also entirely worthless, "one way to use" brought up ZERO, fished my way to this link via Google, but it also had a lot of dead/broken stuff there, and site does a poor job turning those requests into search or cross references to old content archive.
2018-11-27 12:49 AM
@Community member the document is here: https://community.st.com/s/feed/0D50X00009nNBvtSAG which I found using the search bar. @Community member there were many results for this query: https://community.st.com/s/global-search/%22one%20way%20to%20use%22
2018-11-27 5:58 AM
Perhaps it is related to your scripting and "internet connection" issue, because the first thing I was seeing yesterday is the blue bar saying "I've got nothing.." or "Not finding desired results" or whatever it says, and then no delayed content appears. The site was fragile yesterday, not getting errors currently.
The cookie issue is still impacting Android/Chrome, is there some cross-site scripting (involvement of third party sites) here that current browsers are nixing?