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Why is SBSFU throwing a hard fault exception when using Tera Term?



A hard fault exception is being thrown when I flash the SBSFU_userapp.bin file with the STM32Cube Programmer to device that uses the WB55 MCU architecture (M4/M0+) and then try to run the SBSFU example in Tera Term. The secure engine is first initialized and then hits the hard fault error after "CHECK USER FW STATUS" then loops again to the secure engine initialization and continues this process until I disconnect from the device from Tera Term. I have provided a screenshot to illustrate the issue. I don't have any idea on how to debug this and would appreciate any feedback on this issue and how I can go about resolving it.


  • Device with M4 (user application execution)/ M0+ (network stack)
  • ST-LinkV3Mini board attached to a micro-b to usb cable
  • ribbon cable that connects from header pins on ST-LinkV3Mini to another header on device to be programmed


  • STM32Cube Programmer
  • Tera Term

Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello @SERT​,

the example is supposed to work out of the box.

I would suggest restarting from scratch and follow readme file.

If it does not change anything, only way to understand what happens is to use debugger. For this you will need to deactivate security protections such as RDP, WRP and others.

Best regards


ST Employee

Hi @SERT​,

what's the FW on the M0 part? Is it active? You can use the CubeProgrammer to check.



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