2013-11-22 8:25 AM
I'm having trouble bridging the two pools of information I read on the subject of TLS handshakes and the AES cryptographic processor.
TLS is an exchange of a server certificate, a client premaster secret, and a public key encapsulated in the server certificate. The bit lengths are 2048 usually for the secrets and keys. The AES on the STM32F4 is a cryptographic hash processor that in order to work, in my case, needs a 256bit AES key. I have the impression I want to use TLS_RSA_WITH_AES256_CBC_SHA. If this isn't proper I welcome a better suggestion. How to derive the proper 256bit value to put in the cryptographic STM32f4 registers from all the TLS objects? I even took the time to read on the key exchange algorithms, but I have a hard time identifying which object(public key, private key, premaster secret) is which variable in the algorithm. Thanks in advance. #tls-aes-encryption-rsa-key-sha