2021-12-08 8:51 AM
I'm Working with STM32WB5x on a bare metal MAC 802.15.4 Application.
I Have the BLE_MAC_***_FW latest (version 1.13.0) installed on CM0+ .
I want to add security for MAC Frames with support for both ENC-MIC.
The current ST WPAN MAC 802.15.4 implementation dose not provide any functions/ data types (structures) related to security.
Also I cannot set any security related PIB Attributes and i end up with a Set Confirmation return status of 0xF4 (indicating that "A SET/GET request was issued with the identifier of a PIB attribute that is not supported" ... NORDIC).
So logically, One can assume that these PIBs were not considered/developed on the CM0+ FW.
Why does the ST WPAN Middleware lack Security Structures dentition ?
Why the MAC_802_15_4_FW firmware for CM0+ does not handle Security, although as my understanding, ZigBee supports security & keys setup ?
When will the ST team provide the missing functionality for the IEEE 802.15.4 standard ?
2022-04-12 2:19 AM
The MAC security structures are defined in order to be IEEE 802.15.4 standard compliant and potentially be backward compatible with potential future update that may implements security @ MAC level. Our current solution doesn’t provide such security facilities at MAC level and we currently do not plan to provide such a feature. Customer may secure is proprietary solution by encrypting the MAC payload as ZB does.
Note that ZB support security but at upper level and doesn’t need security at MAC Level ( fcf secure flag must be set to 0).
Best Regards