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STM32H573VIT6 + Trust Zone activated + Secure version

Associate II

Hello! ST community. Good day to you all! Hope you guys are doing well.

Currently. I am trying to understand the Trusted Zone feature of STM32H573VIT6.

I have activated this feature and trying to test downloading the Secured version of fw inside flash. I am doing following test to understand if the system behaves correctly (after the fw download). 

Test 1: Using IAR ide's ----> "Download and debug" feature (where make and rebuild the project and finally download and debug)

Test 2: Using STM32CubeProgrammer's ---> "Download" feature (where insert the directory path of Secured version of hex file which is generated on IAR ide and then use the "Start programming" option)

By the way, we have activated a debug pin to visualize the signal in Oscilloscope [to obtain feedback when fw download finishes and run on the system. It is --> "HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIO_BKLight_GPIO_Port, GPIO_BKLight_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET). Check the screenshot in attachment section]

  • If I do the fw download following Test 1, the signal goes HIGH when the corresponding code hits. 
  • On the other hand, for Test 2 after downloading the fw, the signal never goes HIGH.

Please kindly check the video feedback in attachment section for more details and feel free to ask me if you need any further clarification.

Can anybody please provide me any suggestions? I will be very grateful to you.

Thanks in advance.