2023-12-12 6:57 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm currently trying to switch to the Secure World within ThreadX using a NSC function (I use an empty function for debugging, but the problem does persist also if I do anything there).
If i call my NSC function in the NonSecure main.c before the MX_ThreadX_Init() it works fine.
If i call it after it in some application, it does not work.
More precise, i get an HardFault with the STKERR, BFARVALID, PRECISERR, bit set in the BFSR register. see here for more infos about the registers . Also the stackpointer sp is at the end of the secure RAM (Increasing the RAM does not help, it then still is at the end)
After debugging a while, I found after what instruction/function my error occurs.
In _tx_initialize_kernel_enter() in the file tx_initialize_kernel_enter.c the function _tx_thread_secure_stack_initialize() gets executed by the macro TX_PORT_SPECIFIC_PRE_INITIALIZATION.
Before that call, the NSC function works, after it I go straight to the HardFault handler. If i just comment out that callto the secure stack initialize, everything seems to just works fine, including the rest of my setup.
I tried to look at the function in Middlewares/ST/threadx/ports/cortex_m33/gnu/src/tx_thread_secure_stack_initialize.S but I don't really understand whats happening there tbh.
Anyone got an Idea why this is happening or what good the secure stack init does? Is it a problem if I just remove it from my code?
2023-12-26 2:56 AM
Hello @funkii ,
Did you try to increase the stack size? because it seems from a first glance that the stack allocation done by _tx_thread_secure_stack_initialize() eats up the stack .
2024-01-07 4:28 AM
Hi @STea ,
thank you for your reply.
Yes, i have tried to increase the _Min_Stack_size in the STM32H573IIKXQ_FLASH.ld file both of the secure and nonsecure subproject with the values 0x400, 0x4000 and 0x40000.
Unfortunately this did not change anything.
Best and sorry for my delayed response,
2024-01-08 2:22 AM
Hello @funkii
please have a look to threadX example with TrustZone:
Best regards