2017-11-22 5:23 AM
Hello all,
Our product is being programmed on test bench and after that it is locked setting the readout protection to level 2 (RDP level 2).
My question is - is it normal for this process to take about 3 minutes?Are there any options to speed up this process?
The programming unit used is ST-Link v2.
Best regards,
#long-time #stm32f429 #readout-protection #rdp #rdp-level-22017-11-22 9:41 AM
More info:
Application used is command line version of ST link utility: ST-LINK_CLI.exe version (located in the same folder). Using Windows10 32bit OS.
Command used: '-c SN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SWD UR FREQ=4000 -P \'FW_PATH\' -V \'after_programming\' -OB RDP=2 -HardRst',
After programming and setting option bytes, the application returns error level code 13 which is not included in ST-LINK_CLI return codes description in document UM0892.
The same time it takes when using STM32 ST-LINK Utility.exe GUI version and the error message 'Cannot read option bytes' appears after the process. But I think in this case the application is trying to reconnect with target, but it is already locked.
MCU runs on 3.3V supply which is capable of 800mA current, ST-Link v2 runs from PC's USB.