2020-10-21 12:41 PM
Hello I am writing to express my complete disappointment regarding how the "sits" are assigned to the workshops, several times I have expressed interest in participating in the hands on (I'm a firmware developer) and in all cases the answer was a refusal due to lack of sits and in more than one case other people that I have sent the email prompting the workshopto, despite having signed up afterwards, were accepted. Given the treatment received, the temptation to switch to another brand is really strong
Best regards
2020-10-23 2:38 AM
Hello GMG,
first of all I'm sorry to hear about your disappointment.
This workshop series got very high interest and we had to limit number of participants in order to ensure good quality of the sessions.
What is important to mention, is that exactly the same content that was presented in the workshop is available for you in digital form as dedicated MOOC series. Its link (Part 6: STM32 security ecosystem, from theory to practice) is available at this page which provides you with complete journey about security for embedded devices. From basics to implementation.
Additional point we can offer is to register to December 3rd session, which is still open.
If you do so, let me know please.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Roman Ludin
2020-10-24 2:54 PM
Hi Roman, thank you very much for your reply. I know these courses are very aspired, what I don't understand is why people registered later than me are accepted. For the October event I have made the registration 2 minutes after receiving the promotional email. I appreciate very much your offer for the december event, and I accept without dubts. I'm at least 10 years that I use ST products, and intersecting with a person is much more useful than only watching a registered video. Have I to do something for the registration?
Best regards
2020-10-26 11:52 PM
concerning December 3rd session, I have forwarded you the invitation by email.
Have a nice day,