If and when can we expect NeoChromVG GPU functionality on the STM32WBA series? The user interface experience is vital for consumer devices in the home using, e.g. Matter protocols.
Hello, thank you for your question.We are preparing module based on STM32WL33.It will become widely available from Q4'2025.STM32WL5MOC will stay with the range 864 MHz to 928 MHz.Have a nice Christmas season and easy year end.Roman
Hello Luke,thank you for your interest in STM32 products and thank you for all your questions.Let me try to answer some of them.The incoming STM32N6 is not based on the announced technology, but another one. Yes, there will be STM32 products series b...
Yes TouchGFX supports NeoChrome VG. Vector graphics is support from TouchGFX V 4.23. This solution could be used with any display. The Microcontrollers STM32U5F9/G9 has the New Chrome VG. We have a couple of boards as reference using STM32U5F9/G9: ST...