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How to unlock PCROP protection locked by SBSFU on STM32H753

James Shih


I'm running the project which is evaluating the SBSFU for the secure firmware upgrade, I have no problem to run SBSFU 2_Images example on Nucleo-H753ZI and execute the secure firmware upgrade, but one thing bug me is the way to unlock the chip.

After the evaluation, I used ST-Link with STM32CubeProgrammer to unlock the Read Out Protection, but somehow can't re-program properly then figured out the root cause is the PCROP Protection in AREA1 is still locked.

I reviewed the manual at

followed the instruction of "Flash bank erase with automatic protection-removal sequence" at page 166, to unlock the PCROP, sometimes I can unlock it right away, but sometimes I have to do the same procedure couple and/or many times to unlock it.

Is there any other proper way to unlock the PCROP?


James Shih

Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello James,

normally you just need to remove PCROP while doing RDP regression.

Could you check with last version of STM32CubeProgrammer and use

STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=swd mode=UR -ob PROT_AREA_START1=0xFF PROT_AREA_END1=0 RDP=0xAA

Best regards
