2021-12-01 3:29 PM
I'm running the project which is evaluating the SBSFU for the secure firmware upgrade, I have no problem to run SBSFU 2_Images example on Nucleo-H753ZI and execute the secure firmware upgrade, but one thing bug me is the way to unlock the chip.
After the evaluation, I used ST-Link with STM32CubeProgrammer to unlock the Read Out Protection, but somehow can't re-program properly then figured out the root cause is the PCROP Protection in AREA1 is still locked.
I reviewed the manual at
followed the instruction of "Flash bank erase with automatic protection-removal sequence" at page 166, to unlock the PCROP, sometimes I can unlock it right away, but sometimes I have to do the same procedure couple and/or many times to unlock it.
Is there any other proper way to unlock the PCROP?
James Shih
2021-12-16 9:48 AM
Hello James,
normally you just need to remove PCROP while doing RDP regression.
Could you check with last version of STM32CubeProgrammer and use
STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=swd mode=UR -ob PROT_AREA_START1=0xFF PROT_AREA_END1=0 RDP=0xAA
Best regards