2023-10-03 10:32 PM
Hello supportTeam,@Bubbles @Fred
Part No: STM32U585ZIT
Environment: STMIDE
Details: TFM / SBSFU
We used the ST-provided SBSFU solution for firmware upgrade purpose.
As per our needs, SBSFU/TFM-Boot and SBSFU/TFM-Loader successfully jump to own created application[ThredX OS based].
Below are the steps I used when integrating my own application with SBSFU.
1. Create Project Name: Application [Enable TrustZone with Thread-X OS In STM32U585ZIT6Q controller]
2. Copy the SBSFU_Appli\STM32CubeIDE\NonSecure\STM32U585AIIX_FLASH.ld and Added in own application non secure folder[output.ld - added prebuild file in secure project properties]
3. Copy the SBSFU_Appli\STM32CubeIDE\Secure\STM32U585AIIX_FLASH.ld and Added in own application secure folder[output.ld - added prebuild file in non-secure project properties]
4. Copy SBSFU_Appli\STM32CubeIDE\Postbuild.sh and Added in own application project repository
5. Update NS address in own application secure-> main.c "#define VTOR_TABLE_NS_START_ADDR NS_CODE_START."
6. Copy SBSFU_Appli\STM32CubeIDE\NonSecure\Application\User\startup_stm32u5xx.c and Added in Own Application repository
7. Copy SBSFU_Appli\STM32CubeIDE\Secure\Application\User\startup_stm32u5xx.c and Added in Own Application repository
8. Successful compile code
9. Generate sign with encrypted .bin file in Binary folder
10. Upload encrypted sign .bin through SBSFU_Loader
11. Reset Trigger
12. We are getting below log after reset
[INF] signature OK
[INF] Bootloader chain load address offset: 0x1a000
[INF] Jumping to the first image slot.
Result: My own thread X OS-based Application does not work after upgrading firmware through SBSFU_boot and SBSFU_loader.
Observation: Using CubeMX, I generated Bare metal code[own application] through cubeMX and integrated with SBSFU. Therefore, it is able to jump from SBSFU_boot to Application [Without OS], however,
the same operation I performed with a ThreadX OS-based application didn't work.
Please review the above step I have performed for own application[Thread X based application] integration purposes and let me know if I missed anything.
I have attached Own project .IOC File and SBSFU linker folder in this mail.
Hiren Rameshbhai Thumar
2023-12-21 9:04 AM
Hello @Hiren,
I would first check if interrupt vector is well setup when entering into main() of application.
After that, debugger is your friend and will help you find where things go wrong
Best regards
2024-01-22 1:05 AM
some hints to run ThreadX application with TFM on STM32U5:
- have a look at question Azure RTOS Integration in B-U585-IOT2A Bootloader ... - STMicroelectronics Community
- have a look at package https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-azure.html . version 2.3.0 gives an example of Azure RTOS / ThreadX application as non-secure application in TFM environment on B-U585I-IOT02A.
- in the threadx project, add #define TX_SINGLE_MODE_NON_SECURE for C compiler and also for assembler files.
- change the STM32 HAL to use a timer different from Systick (which is used by ThreadX). Use TIM6 for example. And configure its interruption with a priority higher than PendSV interrupt priority 15 (so use 14 for TIM6 for example). See ThreadX application examples in Cube U5 or see X-cube-azure package.