2021-02-11 4:40 PM
Have a code that modifies the option bytes on G0 micro which seems bricks the IC from further programming attempts aka device locks itself.
Did anyone face a similar issue with G070?
What are the solutions to make the programming process robust and avoid bricking of G070?
Pls help.
2021-02-11 10:32 PM
I'm not aware of of option byte correction code "As a safety mechanism and recommended by ST". Just curious: do you have some pointers on that.
2021-02-12 6:44 AM
Not recommended by ST ... but a safety mechanism I wanted to have. Sorry for misquoting.
2021-02-12 7:44 AM
If this is the case, I wouldn't try to refresh the option bytes after initial factory programming. Each erase/program can be potentially harmful if the power breaks down for example.