2021-07-22 7:20 AM
Hi all,
I am using button input from separate input (Separate PCB). After I disconnect that PCB, SBSFU automatically goes into the Updating mode. Even I tried to do an internal pull-up but it also doesn't work.
I tried two methods of internal pull-ups but still, I have that problem. please can anyone help me with this?
method 1)
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct; \
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6; \
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;\
GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; \
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct); \
method 2 )
But nothing is working
problem is happening due to floating of the pin (button)
2021-07-22 8:04 AM
Check your pcb board all Vdd pins
2021-07-22 8:08 AM
@MM..1 Connection are all fine, Recently I change the button input to another board. both work really well without any issue. Till button, the connection is attached it works really fine, but once I remove the pin connection (here the cable from other PCB), from the next start itself it will go to the SBSFU Boot menu
2021-07-22 8:16 AM
When this pin is BOOTx pin then you need external pull, because on RESET state internal ...
2021-07-22 8:18 AM
@MM..1 Exactly, but this is just a normal IO pin, not the BOOT0x,
2021-07-22 8:33 AM
I mean aka BOOT in SBSFU, this is separate code started on reset boot and maybe have configured nopull or oposite and use this pin PC6 as damper or init...