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Z80 emulation on a Cortex M3/M4 ?

Associate II
Posted on May 15, 2012 at 14:39

Has somebody tried to port a Z80 emulator to a Cortex M3/M4 device ?

I'm experimenting with the emulator core as found there:


My preferred host is this:


I'm quite sure that M3 devices with sufficient controller performance are available.

A full CP/M simulation is out of scope at the moment (mostly because of time...).

The target(s) I have in mind feature 4...20kB ROM and  16..32k RAM, and have a smaller, ROM based ''OS'', actually more a simple program loader than an OS.

A CP/M emulation (64k RAM) would hardly be possible with a M3 without external RAM.

The host (stm32-lcd) has a display and mass storage, and at least the possibility to add external RAM to emulate the full 64k address range of the Z80.
Posted on August 26, 2015 at 00:37

If you have a web page, it would be of general interest.

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Posted on August 26, 2015 at 15:58

Sorry, no Web page.   I suppose I could create one but I'd rather not. Now that there is some interest I will need some time to clean up the source as well as verify that there are no copyright violations.