2017-05-26 4:35 AM
How do I enable the STM32CubeMX version 4.21.0 to generate sysmem.c file under startup folder? The file seems to be missing. The older version of STM32CubeMX automatically generates it.
#stm322017-05-30 3:23 AM
I will forward your feedback internally to our CubeMx team to inform you about the taken explanation.
2018-01-22 7:35 AM
,Sorry for the late answer.
Before, we were pointing directly on the system.c file under FW package and now, at the first generation, it is copied from the FW src folder to CubeMX src folder.
Hope it will help you.
2024-03-19 10:23 AM
After I updated CubeMX 6.9 to 6.11.0 and migrated my project to new version I have a problem that everytime I re-generate the code the compiler complains missing syscalls.c, sysmem.c files. This files doesn't exist anywhere in the project neither CubeMX folder. The code generator always places this files in generated Makefile at the end of C_SOURCES list and I have to manually delete this 2 lines. Is there some option to not place this non-existing files in Makefile?
2024-03-19 11:15 AM
Don't hijack threads - create your own.
2024-04-05 12:45 PM
2024-04-05 12:47 PM
I think, it is new bug introduced in latest CubeMX 6.11. Also, looks like some new bugs in USB library.