2021-02-15 12:53 AM
I am using Nucleo-L4R5ZI-P board, I have flashed sleep mode selection sample code to check power consumption of all the modes, but in all the modes I am getting around 156uA.
I have also tried by disabling debug mode but the result is same.
How can I achieve same current consumption mentioned in datasheet.
2021-02-15 2:36 AM
Vbat measurement probe , backup battery charging resistor (VBE bit in the PWR_CR4 register.) TempSensor probe must be disabled.
Connections with STLink also (SW_debug ,PB3-Trace, Bypassed-HSE, serial port ) must be set to analog mode
If Hse is Bypassed from MCO of STLink, use as clock an internal oscillator
When put MCU to shutdown, stby, stop, VDD_1.2 or VDD12 pin must left unconnected from SMPS (page 189 of RM0432)