2022-01-19 3:54 PM
After about 14 minutes of normal communication with the chip through spi as the source below, it falls into an infinite loop.
Why do you fall into an infinite loop?
please I'd appreciate it if you let me know.
int spi1_writeread(const unsigned char* txbuff,unsigned char* const rxbuff,unsigned int len)
SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi = &hspi1;
HAL_StatusTypeDef temp;
unsigned char tx[256];
unsigned char rx[256];
unsigned int ret = STATUS_OK;
if(txbuff != NULL)
(void)memcpy(tx, txbuff, len);
//if ((__HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(hspi, SPI_FLAG_RXNE)) && (hspi->RxXferCount > 0U))
while(HAL_SPI_GetState(hspi) == HAL_SPI_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX);
temp = HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(hspi,tx,(rxbuff != NULL) ?(uint8_t *)rxbuff : rx ,len,10);
//printf("rx data : %x , %x\r\n", rxbuff[0],rx[0]);
if(temp != HAL_OK)
ret = spi1_open(DEV_SPI_MASTER);
return ret;
2022-01-20 3:00 AM
The ticket st25r3916irq-error-problem- from KHyun.1 indicates there is no problem in SPI but on higher layer or wiring.