2018-03-29 6:59 PM
I can see in the Application project for STM32H743I_EVAL LwIP>LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS that the application is using a custom fsdata.c file. In the code elsewhere there is a define that directs the use of fsdata_custom.c as in httpd_opts.h:
/** Set this to 1 to include 'fsdata_custom.c' instead of 'fsdata.c' for the
* file system (to prevent changing the file included in CVS) */#if !defined HTTPD_USE_CUSTOM_FSDATA || defined __DOXYGEN__#define HTTPD_USE_CUSTOM_FSDATA 0#endifI noticed in CubeMX that in the LWIP Configuration in the HTTPD tab, at the bottom of the page, there is a selection to enable HTTPD_USE_CUSTOM_FSDATA. I assume that using that is akin to setting the define in https_opts.h.
My question is then what else do I need to set so I can build from CubeMX, port the appicaition specific code from the Application project, and compile to get the same result?