2019-02-01 7:09 AM
I cannot find any NUCLEO boards to exactly my MCU (STM32L431), so which NUCLEO should I use? Maybe the NUCLEO-L433RC-P? Will example code generated on the NUCLEO-L433RC-P run on my target?
Best Regards Terje
2019-02-01 10:32 AM
I'm using several L4 parts here, but not the L431, what is the critical feature you're targeting?
NUCLEO-L433RC-P looks to be a good starting point, should be a reasonable proxy.
The HAL stuff works quite well of hiding specifics. You might well be able to change the target processor for the NUCLEO projects to actually be the L431.
If the part is pin compatible you might be able to replace the chip on the NUCLEO board.
2019-02-01 11:15 AM