2019-07-22 2:04 PM
I'm dealing with a car and want to use CAN bus while doing this I also want to use stm32 but I have encountered a lot of stm32 and most of them are in Can bus. Which of these is most ideal? What should we pay attention to using the CAN bus protocol?
2019-07-22 2:23 PM
Ideal for what? What exactly are you trying to track or deal with in the car necessitating a connection to the CAN bus?
How much space will the code of whatever you're doing take up?
2019-07-22 2:36 PM
I'm new to this. I didn't know exactly what the questions you asked should be asked.But let me summarize as follows: The data from the modules in the vehicle will be communicated via the can bus and accordingly module 2 will open when module 1 is off. I'm talking about the sensors in the car in the first stage.. Secondly, this device is compatible with lora technology. In this project, we will use Lora technology and it should include the appropriate infrastructure. And finally the speed should be fast when everything will be instant speed important. I don't know what's going to happen yet, so I'm just searching for the best stm32 for now.
In the meantime, thanks for your reply. Since I have just entered these issues, I do not have clear questions to be asked. Thank you for your understanding.
2019-07-22 5:05 PM
No problem, just trying to scope this, as "ideal" is in the eye of the beholder.
The L0 family is frequently used for LoRa, but doesn't support CAN. The L1 also doesn't provide CAN
The LoRa/Semtech stack can be ported to any of the STM32 parts, and use the SX1272 or SX1276 radio.
The F0 family supports CAN, but is generally slower, and more resource constrained.
The L4 family supports CAN, available in some very small foot-prints,