2013-09-02 03:09 AM
Long time programmer for 8-bit mcus and just wanted to move my skills to STM32. Looked at some datasheets and found them to be daunting for me.Any suggestions on how / how to start efficiently?2013-09-02 05:23 AM
Which STM32 series are you focusing on?
For a general coverage of the corehttp://www.amazon.com/Joseph-Yiu/e/B001IQWINC
, there is a new M3/M4 edition scheduled for mid-November as I recall. This can be augmented with the ARM Technical Reference Manualhttp://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0337i/index.html
From the ST perspective you'll want to refer to the the Data Sheet/Manual, and Reference Manual, and work through the firmware examples and the associated .CHM help file. For the F4http://www.st.com/web/catalog/mmc/FM141/SC1169/SS1577/LN11/PF252140#
2013-09-02 09:56 AM
''Long time programmer for 8-bit mcus...daunting...'' Feel your pain - suspect that describes many here - and few (none) would go/look back!
In our group's case (small 15+ yr. firm) clients tore beloved 8051 enhanced device from our cold, bloody fingers. (i.e. upgrade MCU performance - or else!) Ten years back - ARMs were just poised to become affordable. And now - very much mainstream - great support & price erosion... Add to Clive's excellent/detailed advice our suggestion to invest in several of the new M0 Eval Boards. (sub 10USD - ''STM32F0DISCOVERY Kit.''
) You could not come close to this price via ''custom'' - and starting w/''known good'' HW - so important. F0 is the most basic of this bunch - KISS argues that you start small - expand as your knowledge base & needs dictate. You'll need an IDE - free ''code-size limited'' versions (IAR, Keil) get you up/running quickly - if time & mental health are considerations... Armed w/that board, IDE, and many code examples and serious read of MCU manual - adventure awaits...2013-09-02 07:05 PM
2013-09-03 02:14 AM