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Whats the process to write the data in flash memory by using STM Cube programmer ?

Associate III

I'm working on Custom boot loader based on Openbootloader by ST, existing example is based on STM32G0/G4 series but I'm using STM32F417 and there are losts of differences in terms of internal flash memory architecture(G0 to F4 series) and HAL/LL library also,

I made losts of changes in existing example to make it run on STM32F4, while using

STM cube programmer showing read flash successful and write flash also, but there is no data on desire location, The issue is bad configuration of Options byte and write protection,

So I want to know what's the process to write the data in flash?



It's not clear if you're trying to upload a program (since you mention HAL/LL and code updates), or if you're trying to edit individual data bytes. Can you clarify?

Screenshots of the errors or what you expect vs what you see would help.

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Well the memory of the Flash in the F4 is more complex than others.

Are you using the UART protocol, or something else?

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Associate III

Yes, I'm using UART protocol


See above attached image every thing is fine (read/ write)

but if i varify the memory its showing fffffffffffffffffffff

​as show in below image



Click "Read" again so it updates the memory. Your log should have "Time elapsed during the read operation is: ..." as its last line. If you look at the log, the last read operation was prior to the download.

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Associate III

I was trying to write flash by Openbootloader, Now everything is working,

STM32F417 working on openbootloader,

Issue was "Not able to write as Dword, change to word" to make it run.


thanks to all for your help

Associate II

Hi @vchau.2 

I have a custom board with STM32G474RCT6 controller. And I want to develop a FDCAN bootloader for my project.

What are the changes I should make for my controller based on the Open Bootloader code provided by ST. Can you share me the major changes you made in your project.

Hi Nishanth,

I used open bootloader for UART only but it also support CAN protocol to update the firmware, You need to configure some changes on existing open bootloader wisely, reset of the things Bootloader handle its self