2024-04-02 6:54 AM
The DataSheet doesn"t give the input impedance of internal OP-AMP in follower mode.
The only value is for PGA mode.
There is a similar question about STM32U575 on the forum but not answer...
Thanks for your help
have a good day.
2024-04-02 7:18 AM
Usually CMOS opamp has close to unlimited input impedance, 1GOhm - 1TOhm. Since input routed via common GPIO pin leakage current likely to derate input impedance to lower value, something in ~100 MOHm range, and affected by temperature of the IC.
2024-04-02 12:02 PM
Hi @Aurelien1
The forum moderator had marked your post as needing a little more investigation and direct support. An online support case has been created on your behalf, please stand by for just a moment and you will hear from us.
2024-04-04 12:55 PM
I need to know the "exact" value. My input is a kind of current/voltage converter I need to know if STM32U535 can be used alone or if an external AOP is mandatory.
Thermal part will be also checked.
I must take care of pcb area and ultra-low power.
Have a good day.