2016-11-09 11:39 PM
What is the regiater of Ethernet module of STM32F407, named as ''Rx Status Word'' on page 1151 of the RM0090?Thank You!2016-11-10 6:40 AM
Hi kashuba.dmitry,
Refer to RDES0: Receive descriptor Word0 (page 1185)RDES0: Receive descriptor Word0RDES0 contains the received frame status, the frame length and the descriptorownership information. where you find STATUS[30:0]-Hannibal-2016-11-10 7:21 AM
Just to make this a bit clearer as it may be surprising for those who are accustomed to peripherals with fixed set of control registers - this is a concept in the more complex peripherals which have their own DMA - often some of the control data does not sit in registers in the register area, but in some part of main memory (maybe addressed by a ''fixed'' register), from where the module picks it at the beginning of an action and returns modification at the end of the action. This makes even more sense if the device acts on a set of buffers (here, containing of a combination of memory-based-controls and the actual data) in the memory - if some of the ''memory-based-controls'' is a ''next-block'' pointer, then these blocks can be chained and there is no limit on their number. The downside is that the peripheral gets more complex and its operation may take more time as it needs to pick the control-words from memory (shared with processor and other peripherals) prior it starts the action; so you will find this sort of ''machine'' only on complex peripherals with a great deal of ''autonomy'' such as ETH and USB. JW