2018-03-22 8:02 AM
Now I am using STM32F7 Discovery board. I want to make TIM1 PWM with high frequency.
I made 10MHz PWM frequency. However, I can't increase the PWM frequency even though I change '
' and 'Period '
.htim1.Init.Prescaler = n;
htim1.Init.Period = m;
As I know I can make PWM frequency to System Frequency(216MHz) using TIM1.
If possible, please let me know the setting code.
Thank you.
2018-03-22 8:36 AM
The TIM clocks at 216 MHz, but your period and pulse are going to be multiple of 4.6ns, so I'd assume frequencies of less than 108 MHz, and clearly not interrupting more than 1/100th of that.
Ceiling shouldn't be hard to demonstrate.
2018-03-22 9:12 AM
'What is the maximum STM32F7 TIM1 PWM frequency?'
depending on what you are asking.
the timer can run with a period of 1 -> output frequency of 216Mhz / 2.
however, whether your GPIO can run at that frequency is a separate question;
whether you can do anything useful with that kind of frequency / resolution is another;
whether it makes sense for you to run PWM at that kind of frequency still another. I would say that unless you know what you are doing, needing PWM over 1Mhz means you are doing something seriously wrong.