2015-03-20 7:59 AM
hello every one
i have a quastion 1-what is injected mode? 2- what is different between regular mode and that? thanks for your answer2015-03-20 9:07 AM
It allows you to take a measurement at a much lower frequency/periodicity than your regularly scheduled group of measurements. Say you have a set of 12 measurements you take at 50 Hz, you set up the ADC/DMA/TIM to automate that, and you have a 13th measurement you need to take every 2 minutes, instead of interfering with your other measurements, you just inject that request periodically.
2015-03-20 2:43 PM
dear clive1
thanks for your answer namely injected mode is that you say but reference manual for stm32f10xx don't have a little explain about this mode only says how to config this mode seem st company have not complete manual for learning anyway i need a source for learning this matter if you/any one have please PRESENTATION to me2015-03-20 3:50 PM
There is a windows help file for the firmware library, the source is well commented, and there are examples. The reference manuals and data sheets have all the functional detail. For the processor ARM has manuals, and Joseph Yiu has a good collection of books on the Cortex-Mx parts. The business focus is on commercial customers, with profession engineers. For videos and tutorials you'll probably want to search YouTube and the blogosphere.2015-03-25 3:31 AM
Dear cilve1
Very very thanks I undrsatand this matter very good But with your help Best regard for you