2014-06-28 2:30 AM
There is equation in AN4013 timer overview:
CCx update rate = TIMx_Counter_CLK / CCRx.What is CCx update rate?Does CCx update rate depend on ARR? #timer #an40132014-06-28 5:37 AM
You'd advance the TIMx->CCRx registers to generate a signal when TIMx->CNT counts past the value
If the Period = 10000, TIMx->ARR = Period-1 If CCx needs to fire 1000 ticks after the prior setting. Ticks are at a frequency dependent on TIMCLK and the prescaler. TIMx->CCR1 = (TIMx->CCR1 + 1000) % Period; To generate multiple frequencies from the different timer channels, you'd have to manage the advancement of the CCRx registers in the CCx interrupts.