2013-04-16 6:16 AM
I can't find the relevant documents they don't seem to be listed with the product
#lmgtfy:-stm32-resources2013-04-16 6:31 AM
Google ''STM32L151RD'', top hit is for ST's product page.
Select ''Design Resource'' tab Scroll to ''Reference Manual'' If this is inadequate for your purposes, refer also the firmware library with examples, and documentation for the protocol/interfaces in general.2013-04-16 6:43 AM
thanks Clive,
I'm trying to work out what the max baud rate for the SPI, I2C and USART when running from the 4.2 MHz MSIthis doesn't seem to be covered in the reference manual, any idea what documents I could get this from. I can't see what document would cover this in the STM32L151RD design resources.http://www.st.com/web/catalog/mmc/FM141/SC1169/SS1295/LN962/PF251634#
2013-04-16 7:01 AM
The clock tree is described in the aforementioned manual, as are registers for the peripherals, and the clock dividers/prescalers which they configure.
The USART speed will be limited by the rate of the APB to which it is attached, and the 8 times over sampling rate. If clocked at 4.2 MHz the highest baud rate would be 525 Kbaud. Observe also the ''USART block diagram'' for internal relationships.2013-04-16 8:02 AM
2013-04-16 8:15 AM
do you know why the reference manual shows 2 values of clock divider for each setting of the baud rate control register on page 715 of the reference manual RM0038?
I'm look at RM0038 Rev 7, which figure/table is that?2013-04-16 8:31 AM
2013-04-16 8:58 AM
PDF sucks
000: fPCLK/2 100: fPCLK/32 001: fPCLK/4 101: fPCLK/64 010: fPCLK/8 110: fPCLK/128 011: fPCLK/16 111: fPCLK/2562013-04-16 9:08 AM
2013-04-16 9:18 AM
Note ST Moderators and Technical Writers, there are several tables in this RM0038 document that run together in an unhelpful manner. Please resolve/address.