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What are the exact pins and ports for UART1, UART4 in STM32h745I-DISCO board?

Mr. AK
Associate III

Hi Team,

I'm working with the STM32H745I-DISCO board for UART communication. As I'm working with UART, I'm able to get the data through UART3 from STLINK. But I also need same communication through UART 1 and UART4. Could you please help me with the exact ports and pins needs to be connected for individual UARTs for the transmission?


Mr. AK
Associate III

Thank you all for responding and providing the solution.

We tried all the possible options but unfortunately we're not be able to get the result what we expected.

We took the example code and modified the SystemClock_Config()  only then USART3 (STLink) worked successfully.

Now for the USART1, by modifying the main.h code (attached in previous chat) and connecting exact pins of board to USB-TTL connector we were able to get garbage data and we got stuck here. Also we have done step by step debugging and both the projects seems to working fine, I can see no difference. So what might be the reason and do I need to modify the other files too? Like streams, clocks? Please support.


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