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We need Firmware Over the Air(FOTA) feature in our project. We have GSM module on board that can receive file from our server. Can you please guide me how to write FTP client routines for my STM32F103. Or suggest other file transfer protocol.

Associate II

@Community member​ @Andrew Neil​ 


I personally find HTTP simpler to implement.

If the modem can receive files, perhaps start by utilizing that functionality. Frequently modems have their own FOTA mechanism, you might have to provide server addresses/resources, and then walk the modem through it's process.

You should perhaps seek guidance from colleagues, or find a contractor with suitable competence.

Commercial solutions likely provide FTP and TFTP clients.

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Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

Who is "we" ? Is this a commercial project?

Before doing it over the air, have you understood the basics of doing in-application firmware update? ST have application notes on this ...

FTP is purely a data transfer protocol; it has nothing specifically to do with Firmware update - so you can use any FTP example to get you going with FTP ...