2016-03-07 2:01 AM
I'm trying to use the video module on the stm32f469 disco board with the demo program. I have an ''emf'' file but I don't know where to copy it.
In the .txt file of the demo project directory, there is this info:
4- copy the audio and video files provided under ''Utilities/Media/'' in the USB key
I think the usb key is DIS_F469NI that appears when I connect my board. So I tried to create the directories Utilities/Media but nothing appears when I search
a file in the video module.
Can you help me please?
(And sorry for my bad english)
Thank you
Martin Meyer
#stm32f469-discovery2016-03-07 9:55 AM
Are you sure that's not the mass storage interface for mbed?
Pretty sure you'd either need files on a MicroSD, or on a USB Flash drive you supply yourself.