2015-12-29 10:55 AM
Has anyone tried to build one of those lightsaber toys using stm board?
I had this idea and would like to hear your opinion. So working with button and led is pretty easy. So when I would press the button the program would start and light up the led. Also in the back I could play an mp3 file for when lightsaber turns on. When you move it arond I could check the values in the gyro and accelometer to play different sounds like if lightsaber is just steady or is it slashing or sth. Has anyone build something like this? Do you recommend anything?2015-12-29 11:34 AM
The electronics is the simple part. A Micro controller with a DAC and enough flash for MP3 sound files, a multi axis accelerometer, some high output LED, and a few switches. There are some open source projects IIRC.
The hard part is all the plastic parts unless you have a 3d printer. Good commercial light saber products can be purchased for less than $50.