2017-12-11 4:55 AM
Can I use internal pull-ups for SD card connection with SDIO interface(STM32F4xx)?
#sdio #pull-up #sd-cards2017-12-11 5:25 AM
For short connections and low clock rates, this might work.
All examples I know use external resistors, with values much lower than the internal pull-up.
The less your resistors match the line impedance, the more distortions, and the lower the possible clock frequency (and data rate).
2017-12-11 6:11 AM
If the leads/traces are very short. The ideal placement is at the socket, not the IC, the prototype I built for the STM32F4-DISCO used 33K at the socket, I don't recall it being reliable without them.
I'd shot for something in the 33K to 50K range
2017-12-11 6:40 AM
But, as I see, for example, Olimex dev board with stm32f407 MCU:
Pullup resistors have value 33k, which is not so far from internal pullup value(~30-40k - am I right?).
2017-12-11 7:02 AM
Ahhh yes, correct. Probably mixed up something with I2C pull-ups.
The F4-Discovery Baseboard has 22R series resistors (before the 47k pull-up), the Mikromedia M4 10k pull-ups.
I think you don't need to restrict to STM32F4 boards for SD card example hardware.