2010-10-19 06:14 AM
i found out that it is possiable to use the flash as eeprom but the example i found was very long and complicated is there asimple way to do that? thanks.2010-10-19 11:38 PM
2010-10-20 01:40 AM
i even taken the example from here:
http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/an2594.zip changed the option of the project according to http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/um/17875.pdf and it does not work it goes to void HardFault_Handler(void). what am i doing wrong?2010-10-20 01:42 AM
2010-10-20 01:20 PM
where can i find all the explanation to the FLASH registors?
They would be in the Reference Manual (RM0008)http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/rm/13902.pdf
Consider a different tool chain, and programming style. The code posted should be working. Look at the disassembly, and registers, for the code you have now which is faulting. You will get hard faults if you do unaligned 2 or 4 byte accesses, or if you touch memory outside of RAM, ROM, FLASH and Peripherals.2010-10-21 12:39 AM
no its not there like where can i find the description of FLASH_CR?
2010-10-21 03:48 AM
no matter what i do i am still getting full stack after the line:
FLASH->CR|= CR_STRT_Set; why? what can i do? is there away to write asmall program that use the Flash as EEPROM? thanks.2010-10-21 09:27 AM
May be the STM32F10xxx Flash programming manual (PM0042) mentioned in PM0008 might be helpful
Short of building an entire project for you, I'm not sure why the core functionality demonstrated in the previous example doesn't work in your environment.