2014-08-12 03:24 PM
I have an exti set up on a gpio, which when triggered, sends a command to a peripheral. Within that piece of code is a small delay which makes use of the systick. It doesn't seem to work though. Guessing the issue is the interrupt with an interrupt? Both interrupts seem to work independently, but not together. Anyone know how to get them working together? Can put up some example code if need be.
2014-08-12 05:10 PM
A delay of how long? Is this something you can defer to a SysTick interrupt, or two, later?
Alternatively don't use an interrupt based timer, you have the SysTick counter (24-bit) and what ever you have it wrapping at, DWT_CYCCNT (32-bit SystemCoreClock), or a free running timer (TIM2->CNT ?)