2013-01-11 8:43 AM
For the moment I'am using the STM32l discovery card (stm32l152R8 chip). I write a programm to toggle led and i donwload it with st-link V2 which is integratted on the board.It's working. Now I would like to connect with J-Link(Segger) with SWD connection on discovery board. Is it possible?. On the electrical scheme there are zener diode, but on the discovery board there is any zener diode. Is it normal?For the moment, the JFlash-arm software recognizes the J-link. But when I want to read memory , there is an error.If you want more explanation, say me.
Thanks you,
#stm32-discovery-jtag-swd-j-link2013-01-11 11:03 AM
I would probably look to inject SWD signals via the CN3 jumper location (Target side clock/data). You would also want to check the SB (Solder Bridge) options on the board/schematic to ensure that the ST-LINK side doesn't interfere.
Check the NRST connection.2013-01-14 2:11 AM
2013-01-14 4:55 AM
Ok, it's working.
the solution is: Jumper CN3 ofF. SB6 and SB10 are enabled.I had some problem, especially with a ribbon cable.Thanks,GF.