2011-12-15 8:30 PM
Just starting out with the eval board, and my question is what pins are used to connect an lcd to the board? The only info on the data sheet is it uses fsmc function for lcd interfacing. This does not explain which pins to connect the lcd to, for parallel or serial use.
John2011-12-16 7:01 AM
Just starting out with the eval board, and my question is what pins are used to connect an lcd to the board? The only info on the data sheet is it uses fsmc function for lcd interfacing. This does not explain which pins to connect the lcd to, for parallel or serial use.
What type of LCD, something like a AC-162 16x2 type display? http://www.comet.bg/datasheets/LCD/AC-162.pdf To which the answer is pretty much any pins you want to, or can spare. Generally you'd want the data pins connected in a way that permits you to write a byte or nibble directly to the GPIO register without having to manipulate the individual bits. Keil (MCBSTM32) and IAR use these displays quite a lot, look at a few schematics, and software drivers provided. The FSMC is typically used by displays where you want the STM32 to act as the frame buffer. Looking for something else, then try looking a the panel datasheet and see how that jives with the resources of the STM32, find some similar dev boards, and look at schematics. Talk to the panel vendor about interfacing, and appropriate panels they can recommend.
2011-12-16 7:34 PM
Thank you, Dive 1. As you probably guessed by my origional question, I am also just starting out to learn programming too. Having read the available data on the module I felt that there would be no pins just for the lcd interfacing. I have spent over 50 years in electronics, but not programming, so know about lcd display construction and have built many circuits using them. All had dedicated pins on the mpu's to connect them, and the programs already written for it. I felt it was time to learn how to program as I made a few programs in assembly during the early days of pure DOS. I know I have a lot to learn, I can write ''hello world'' in assembly, or even C. But so far there is no primer made that explains how to go beyond that step in clear english. But to get back to my question, I hoped to start with a 16X2 lcd module, learn how to interface and program it, and then work up to a graphic display in order to use the stm32f4 module for SDR applications. I see I have to experiment and maybe ruin the stm module or an lcd module to learn something. Thanks again.
2012-01-10 2:54 AM
I am soon to do the same thing (and have it setup on a stm32f1xx already).
You can find some info from this app-note: Specifically section 2.5 starting on page 12.The reset of the setup should be identical (bar the 'RAM' address and the bank selection, normally bank 4 in other samples, but will be using bank 1 on stm32f4 disco).2013-01-14 3:42 AM