2008-11-11 12:42 AM
USB Mass storage demo problem
2011-05-17 3:51 AM
Hello everybody.
I have problem using 'mass storage demo' source. I compiled IAR EWARM V5.20. Compile and make hex file successfuly. Then download to device. But PC can't detect USB device. I tested same source with IAR EWARM V5.11. Compile & make hex file. Then download to device. It works well. Does any additional setting need in compiler version 5.20? Or is this problem related to technical note TN0067? I used high-density device ST32F103ZE. That technical note limited to medium-density device only. Thank you.2011-05-17 3:51 AM
You are right, TN0067 is applicable only to medium density devices. Regards, ST1.2011-05-17 3:51 AM
can you share the project with EWARM5.20?
2011-05-17 3:51 AM
I attached project source with EWARM5.20.
I modify some part(hw_config.c, platform_config.h) of ST mass storage demo source to match my hardware board. It has no compile error. But it does not work. I don't know what to do. Please help me how to solve this problem.2011-05-17 3:51 AM
The ST mass storage demo works fine on the STM3210E-Eval board using EWARM5.20. What I suggest: open the working demo (you said that the demo works using EWARM5.11) with EWARM5.20 without doing any modification and see if it will work or not.
another suggestion try to turn off the optimization.