2014-01-24 6:45 AM
The USB specification for Full Speed requires 1.5Kohms from D+ to 3.6 volts, 15Kohms from D+ to ground, and 90 ohms between D+ and D-. What matching resistors are required to achieve this with the STM32F103C6? The data sheet does not suggest values, and it does not provide the input impedance of each of D+ and D- nor does it provide the differential impedance between D+ and D-.Regards,Peter2014-01-26 8:22 AM
What matching resistors are required to achieve this with the STM32F103C6?
Sometimes reference design or development board user manual, schematics & BOM can answer unanswered by datasheet, questions like this. Did you try?2014-02-05 2:34 PM
Here's how I worked through it for STM32F205:
hints that pull-ups and/or pull-downs on DM and DP are internal. No info on driver output impedance.http://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/reference_manual/CD002257pdf
explicitly states that pull-ups and pull-downs are internal in section 3.2. No info on driver output impedance.http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/PF250374
schematic shows 22Ω for output impedance matching resistors; however, there is also anhttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/CD000428pdf
which has 33Ω itself (ends up 22Ω in parallel with 33Ω, inspected and both populated on eval board) . . . doesn't make sense!http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/usb20_docs/
states min. of 28Ω and max. of 44Ω for output impedance ofFull-Speed only driver in section
Datasheets for some other STMicroelectronics products that are USB FS transceivers, such ashttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/CD00144pdf
, state that the driver internal output impedance is a min. of 8Ω and a max. of 24Ω and the application example shows an external20Ω impedance matching resistor in DP and DM . . . now this makes sense! My determination -- yours may differ -- is based on the assumption that the USB FS driver output impedance is similar to that of their other products and that the eval board has a bit of a snafu. For the STM32F205: 1. Internal pull-ups and/or pull-downs on DP and DM 2.Needs 20Ω for impedance matching on DP and DM. helpedto point the way. STMicro should rev the datasheet to explicitly state the USB FS PHY output impedance.