2009-04-24 6:16 AM
USB Host for Keyboard
2011-05-17 4:10 AM
I'm sure that ST will release libraries for USB & ethernet to support their connectivity line. I hope that those stacks will be taken from open source community. I really don't like propertiary stuff (like InterNiche) because they don't let you continue the development from some point unless you buy the whole package.
[ This message was edited by: slawcus on 24-04-2009 18:47 ]2011-05-17 4:10 AM
I would like to connect an USB keyboard to STM32 MCU. For that I need very simple USB Host HID functionality on the STM32. Is there any library available with that from ST. (For the Cortex-M3 from Luminary there is such a library available.)