2015-09-18 12:58 AM
Hello everybody,
I am developing the firmware for a STM32F4 board which has to be capable of flashing slave STM32F4 boards by means of USB DFU.
Since USB Host library doesn't have support for DFU class I am implementing a custom DFU Host class, but I can't get it working.
I have managed to enumerate successfully the slave device:
USB Device Attached
PID: df11h
VID: 483h
Address (#1) assigned.
Manufacturer : STMicroelectronics
Serial Number : 346139623034
Enumeration done.
This device has only 1 configuration.
Default configuration set.
Switching to Interface (#0)
Class : feh
SubClass : 1h
Protocol : 2h
DFU class started.
The problem comes on the ClassRequest handler. Whenever I issue a DFU_GetStatus request to the device I get one of the following responses:USBH_BUSY
USBH_OK and response buffer remains unchanged (bytes set to 0). This response makes no sense since device state is appIDLE (0x00) when it should be dfuIDLE (0x02).
* @brief The function is responsible for handling Standard requests for DFU class.
* @param phost: Host handle
* @retval USBH Status
staticUSBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_DFU_ClassRequest(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost){
USBH_DFU_HandleTypeDef * handleDFU;
USBH_StatusTypeDef result;
handleDFU = (USBH_DFU_HandleTypeDef *)phost->pActiveClass->pData;
result = DFU_Get_Status(phost, &status);
( result == USBH_OK ){
handleDFU->deviceState = (DFU_STATE)status.bState;
handleDFU->deviceStatus = (DFU_STATUS)status.bStatus;
phost->pUser(phost, HOST_USER_CLASS_ACTIVE);
* DFU_Get_Status
staticUSBH_StatusTypeDef DFU_Get_Status(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost, DFU_STATUS_RESPONSE * status){
USBH_DFU_HandleTypeDef * handleDFU;
USBH_StatusTypeDef result;
handleDFU = (USBH_DFU_HandleTypeDef * )phost->pActiveClass->pData;
// Initialize the status data structure
(response.bytes, 0, 8);
// Prepare request
phost->Control.setup.b.bmRequestType = USB_EP_DIR_IN | USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS | USB_REQ_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE;
phost->Control.setup.b.bRequest = DFU_GETSTATUS;
phost->Control.setup.b.wIndex.w = handleDFU->interface;
phost->Control.setup.b.wLength.w = 6;
// Send request
result = USBH_CtlReq(phost, response.bytes, 6);
// Get result
( result == USBH_OK ){
status->bStatus = response.info.bStatus;
status->bwPollTimeout = response.info.bwPollTimeout;
status->bState = response.info.bState;
status->iString = response.info.iString;
status->reserved = 0;
status->bStatus = DFU_STATUS_ERR_UNKNOWN;
status->bwPollTimeout = 0;
status->bState = STATE_DFU_ERROR;
status->iString = 0;
status->reserved = 0;
}Any ideas?
Maybe the almighty clive1 can shed some light... :) Thank you very much for your time2015-09-21 6:11 AM
I've made some progress: I can get device statussuccessfully
. A call to USBH_CtlReq triggers an internal state machine which handles the request execution. Removing memset (line 15) gets the job done.Now, I'm stuck on the download process. Whenever I try to send the first packet I consistenly get:I've inserted delays of
ms before each call to DFU_Get_Status with no luck.
Any ideas?Thank you very much for your time.