2008-07-25 09:55 AM
USB control transfer questions
2011-05-17 03:40 AM
I just started working with the Cortex and had a question on the USB HID control transfer. I am working with the ST CUSTOM HID demo application. I am trying to implement GET_REPORT and SET_REPORT functionality to configure my device. I am having difficulty as to where in the code I can insert my routines to process GET and SET_REPORT. Can anyone point me to any example code or project that implements these transfers using ST's USB libraries? Thanks in advance.2011-05-17 03:40 AM
STM32 has a full package on USB and HID custom demos : PC Software part : http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/um0551.zip http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/um/14711.pdf (Manual) STM32 Firmware Part http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/um0424.zip http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/um/13465.pdf ( Manual) Enjoy ! ;) STOne-32.2011-05-17 03:40 AM
Hey, Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, this USB demo application is the one that I am currently working with. I was surprised to see that none of the demos included support or implement HID control requests such as SET and GET_REPORT. Specifically, I notice that the CUSTOM_HID demo defines FEATURE reports in the HID descriptors, but there is no code that I can see that implements the processing of these packets.
I am assuming that the functions CustomHID_Data_Setup and CustomHID_NoData_Setup in usb_prop.c is where you would parse report requests, but my attempts so far have been unsuccessful. Maybe I am missing something? Thanks!