2013-09-09 2:32 PM
Hi all,
I'd like to define a callback function which can be invoked when USB receives something from the host. Where should I implement this in the STM32-USB-FS-Deivce library?I know that in Atmel ASL I can do something like this:Code:
void uart_rx_notify(void)
{ while (udi_cdc_is_rx_ready() ) pxMBFrameCBByteReceived(); }But not sure how to implement in the STM32-USB stack.
Hope someone could help, thanks!2013-09-09 3:43 PM
Well we have
USB_To_USART_Send_Data() in STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0\Projects\Virtual_COM_Port\src\hw_config.c Called from EP3_OUT_Callback() in STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0\Projects\Virtual_COM_Port\src\usb_endp.c