2010-08-15 5:07 PM
USART not working
2011-05-17 5:02 AM
Hi Clive, thanks again for your help.
I have set the USART prescaler to 1 RCC_CFGR is zeroed and that is why receive is now working. But send is not. Can you offer any other suggestions re send?2011-05-17 5:02 AM
>>Looking at your original post, you do not appear to enable the clock for USART1.
Using USART2 this would not appear to be a problem.2011-05-17 5:02 AM
Hard to say, make sure you are enabling receive/transmit modes of all the USARTs
2011-05-17 5:02 AM
Looking at your original post, you do not appear to enable the clock for USART1. You really ought to learn C. It's not difficult!
2011-05-17 5:02 AM
I'm not sure any of us know what she's doing. I was going by, ''for all three usarts the receive is working (using usart2) (yeehaaa) but send is not (using usart1). Is there anything different I have to do for send?'' (above).
2011-05-17 5:02 AM
The following should be a relatively minimal initiation of
USART1,2,3 at 9600 baud from the STM32 reset state. ;***************************************************************************** ; USART1 PA.9 TX, PA.10 RX ; USART2 PA.2 TX, PA.3 RX ; USART3 PB.10 TX, PB.11 RX ;***************************************************************************** InitSystem PROC ; Enter from reset routine, STM32 in initial state, clocking from HSI at 8 MHz ldr r0, =0x40021000 ; RCC ldr r1, =0x0000400C ; USART1EN | IOPBEN (GPIOB) | IOPAEN (GPIOA) str r1, [r0, #24] ; +24 RCC_APB2ENR ldr r1, =0x00060000 ; USART3EN | USART2EN str r1, [r0, #28] ; +28 RCC_APB1ENR ldr r0, =0x40010800 ; GPIOA ldr r1, =0x444444B4 ; PA.9 USART1_TX 50MHz AF_PP str r1, [r0, #4] ; +4 GPIOx_CRH ldr r1, =0x44444B44 ; PA.2 USART2_TX 50MHz AF_PP str r1, [r0, #0] ; +0 GPIOx_CRL ldr r0, =0x40010C00 ; GPIOB ldr r1, =0x44444B44 ; PB.10 USART3_TX 50MHz AF_PP str r1, [r0, #4] ; +4 GPIOx_CRH ldr r0, =0x40013800 ; UART1 bl InitUART ldr r0, =0x40004400 ; UART2 bl InitUART ldr r0, =0x40004800 ; UART3 bl InitUART bx lr ENDP ;***************************************************************************** InitUART PROC ; R0 is base address of USART movs r1, #0 strh r1, [r0, #4] ; +4 USART_DR movs r1, #833 ; 8MHz / 833 == 9600 strh r1, [r0, #8] ; +8 USART_BR movs r1, #0x0600 strh r1, [r0, #16] ; +16 USART_CR2 = 0x600 movs r1, #0 strh r1, [r0, #16] ; +16 USART_CR2 = 0 movs r1, #0 strh r1, [r0, #24] ; +24 USART_GTPR = 0 - Prescaler movw r1, #0x200C ; 8-bit, no parity, enable TX,TX strh r1, [r0, #12] ; +12 USART_CR1 ldr r2, =10 ; 10 Pounds iu1 ldr.w r1, [r0, #0] ; +0 USART->SR ands r1, #0x80 ; TXE beq iu1 mov r1, #'#' str.w r1, [r0, #4] ; +4 USART->DR subs.w r2, r2, #1 ; r2-- bne.n iu1 bx lr ENDP ;*****************************************************************************2011-05-17 5:02 AM
Hi John, thanks for your post.
In my original post, I was not using USART1, only USART2, and only trying to receive. Having got receive working I am now trying to get send to work, and am using USART1 for that, although I have now added code to use USART2 alternatively. Of course I have added code to enable everything that has to be enabled for USART1 and USART2 in order to send but I'm not going to post it unless invited to do so as it is now quite large. No point in learning C as we cannot use it in production, it has to be assembler.2011-05-17 5:02 AM
There are different prescalers, the fast ones in the RCC unit reset to DIV-BY-1 the internal system and bus clocks.
There is *another* unrelated prescaler in the USART, it relates to the Guard Time for the Smartcard mode, we are NOT using that. It should zero at reset, I simply have code that gets it too that state. Probably overkill. The CR2 stuff is derived from some other ST code, and toggles the sync-clock bits, again probably overkill. Once you get the code working as you want you could probably prune it back.2011-05-17 5:02 AM
Hi Clive, thanks again for taking the trouble to post.
I am sure everyone, including me, is heartily sick of this topic. I have only the following questions, Clive, about the assembler code you just posted (after that I'll leave you all alone): 1. why do you set USART_CR2 to 0x600 and then immediately clear it to zero? 2. why are you setting the prescalers to zero when in your earlier post you said they have to be set to 1? (and indeed I can see in the reference manual that this is what they have to be set to)2011-05-17 5:02 AM
>>No point in learning C as we cannot use it in production, it has to be assembler.
Some kind of defence/automotive/medical type thing, or you just work with luddites?