2014-08-01 7:52 AM
i'm Fabien and i'm a beginner with UV5 and STM32 and i need to modify a project but i have a 64bit windows so i need use UV5 with a new lib stm32f10x.h.I can change my project but i have a lot of error with the stdbool.h (see below).I don't understand in my code i have &sharpinclude <stdbool> but i always have these errors. In the different forum, I see that there is a problem with that but i don't understand the solution. anybody can hepl me?ThankRebuild target 'OU399'compiling main.c...compiling Clavier.c...Fonctions_Principales\Clavier.c(37): error: &sharp20: identifier ''BOOL'' is undefined extern BOOL TIMEOUT_texto;Fonctions_Principales\Clavier.c(658): error: &sharp20: identifier ''TRUE'' is undefined else if((Touche_precedente!=ToucheEntree && ToucheEntree<=touche_9) || TIMEOUT_texto==TRUE )Fonctions_Principales\Clavier.c: 0 warnings, 2 errorscompiling RFID.c...compiling Zigbee.c...Fonctions_Principales\Zigbee.c(26): error: &sharp260-D: explicit type is missing (''int'' assumed) extern waitDiezKeyIsPressToContinue(void);Fonctions_Principales\Zigbee.c: 0 warnings, 1 errorcompiling lcd.c...compiling Fonctions_globales.c...compiling IHM.c...Fonctions_Principales\IHM.c(111): error: &sharp20: identifier ''FALSE'' is undefined bool bAdmin = (strcmp((const char*)UserStatut,''ADMIN'') ? FALSE:TRUE); Fonctions_Principales\IHM.c(111): error: &sharp20: identifier ''TRUE'' is undefined bool bAdmin = (strcmp((const char*)UserStatut,''ADMIN'') ? FALSE:TRUE); Fonctions_Principales\IHM.c: 0 warnings, 2 errorscompiling CTDPE.c...TestsElectriques\CTDPE.c(324): error: &sharp20: identifier ''FALSE'' is undefined bool erreur_continiutee=FALSE;TestsElectriques\CTDPE.c(412): error: &sharp20: identifier ''TRUE'' is undefined erreur_continiutee=TRUE;TestsElectriques\CTDPE.c(425): error: &sharp20: identifier ''TRUE'' is undefined erreur_continiutee=TRUE;TestsElectriques\CTDPE.c(441): error: &sharp20: identifier ''TRUE'' is undefined erreur_continiutee=TRUE;TestsElectriques\CTDPE.c(450): error: &sharp20: identifier ''TRUE'' is undefined if(erreur_continiutee==TRUE)TestsElectriques\CTDPE.c: 0 warnings, 5 errorscompiling CTDRB.c...compiling Communication_implant.c...TestsElectriques\Communication_implant.c(29): error: &sharp20: identifier ''BOOL'' is undefined extern volatile BOOL TIMEOUT_texto;KB: Unexpected type: 0error type>(41): error: &sharp20: identifier ''FALSE'' is undefined bool CONVERSION_ADC_TRAME_IMPLANT=FALSE;TestsElectriques\Communication_implant.c(55): error: &sharp20: identifier ''TRUE'' is undefined if(CONVERSION_ADC_TRAME_IMPLANT == TRUE)TestsElectriques\Communication_implant.c(114): error: &sharp20: identifier ''TRUE'' is undefined CONVERSION_ADC_TRAME_IMPLANT = TRUE;TestsElectriques\Communication_implant.c: 0 warnings, 4 errorscompiling ADC.c...Gestion microcontroleur\ADC.c(99): error: &sharp20: identifier ''ADC1_2_IRQChannel'' is undefined IRQ_ADC.NVIC_IRQChannel=ADC1_2_IRQChannel;Gestion microcontroleur\ADC.c(127): error: &sharp20: identifier ''FALSE'' is undefined CONVERSION_ADC_TRAME_IMPLANT=FALSE;Gestion microcontroleur\ADC.c: 0 warnings, 2 errorscompiling Timers.c...Gestion microcontroleur\Timers.c(43): error: &sharp20: identifier ''BOOL'' is undefined BOOL TIMEOUT_texto;Gestion microcontroleur\Timers.c(90): error: &sharp20: identifier ''TRUE'' is undefined TIMEOUT_texto=TRUE;Gestion microcontroleur\Timers.c(160): error: &sharp20: identifier ''FALSE'' is undefined TIMEOUT_texto=FALSE;Gestion microcontroleur\Timers.c(218): error: &sharp20: identifier ''FALSE'' is undefined TIMEOUT_texto=FALSE;Gestion microcontroleur\Timers.c: 0 warnings, 4 errorscompiling RTX_Conf_CM.c...assembling startup_stm32f10x_hd.s...compiling system_stm32f10x.c...compiling misc.c...compiling stm32f10x_rcc.c...compiling stm32f10x_usart.c...compiling stm32f10x_adc.c...''.\Obj\Blinky.axf'' - 20 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).Target not created #stm32f10xx2014-08-01 8:20 AM
uV4 runs fine on 64-bit Windows
You'd perhaps want to review what include files you're using, and the Project settings for Include Paths. I'd also recommend downloading your own copy of the STM32 Standard Firmware Library (STM32F1 v3.5.0) and using that, rather than whatever stale stuff Keil bundled. #include <stdbool> or #include <stdbool.h>, where's it pulling that from? Check the dependency tree for files that supposedly pull it in.2014-08-01 8:28 AM
I don't know what are these UV2 and UV5 but instead of <stdbool> you can try this:
typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE=1} BOOL;
2014-08-01 8:35 AM
From: clive1Posted: Friday, August 01, 2014 5:24 PMSubject: Upgrade Project STM32F1xx UV2 to UV5 Error stdbool
uV4 runs fine on 64-bit Windows
You'd perhaps want to review what include files you're using, and the Project settings for Include Paths. I'd also recommend downloading your own copy of the STM32 Standard Firmware Library (STM32F1 v3.5.0) and using that, rather than whatever stale stuff Keil bundled.#include <stdbool> or #include <stdbool.h>, where's it pulling that from? Check the dependency tree for files that supposedly pull it in.2014-08-01 8:44 AM
Yes it works well !
I don't understand why i can't add directly the lib but this solution is Ok for me thanks!UV5 is Keil compiler Version52014-08-01 8:49 AM
I'm surprised uV2 supports Cortex-M3 parts, as I recall when I started STM32 development we used uV3.
If the file tree view you should be able to toggle the [+] for the source files and see all the dependent files, from there you can open them, or look at the properties to see where they are being pulled from. C:\Keil474\ARM\ARMCC\include\stdbool.h ?? No reference to upper case TRUE and FALSE Review also the Template projects for Keil (MDK-ARM) supplied by ST in their current library release. You might need to port 2.x.x (C:\Keil\ARM\Examples\ST\STM32F10xFWLib) code to 3.5.0 (STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0\Project\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Template\MDK-ARM\readme.txt)2014-08-01 9:22 AM
2014-08-01 10:36 AM
You also are true the version is V4 and no V2, i launched my other pc to confirm it but this V4.00 don't works in 64bit.
You must be using some prehistoric versions of Keil, because going back as far as V4.2.0 is known to work on 64-bit platforms, the most current version is V4.7.4 or thereabouts. Now some people have crashes due to 1366x768 and ridiculously sized fonts/icons, but it's not a 64-bit problem.2014-08-07 2:10 AM
i have succeed to launch my code. Now I have two project :- one with the old library. I had copy the old library since my 32bit windows and i add directly this old library in my projec. This works well. -The second project is with the new library i compile well all but i don't find the old stm32_init to configure the processor.Could you tell if it is better to use the new library? and if this is case how and where i can configure the processor as the windows ''configuration wizard'' of stm32_init.c.Thanks for your help2014-08-07 9:45 AM
The wizard stuff is all from Keil, who also use very stale library releases.
You'd need to configure the processor speed/clocks within system_stm32f10x.c and routines like SystemInit(). Review RCC/PLL documentation to understand fully your options. ST also had a clock code generation tool running in Excel.